New platform will give uninterrupted view from Forres tower

AJ Engineering installed a viewing platform on the roof of Nelson’s Tower in Forres, using a telescopic crane. Picture: Marc Hindley
Visitors to a historic landmark which looks out across the Moray Firth will now get an even better view thanks to a new steel viewing platform and the donation of a set of binoculars.
The new installation at Nelson’s Tower was created following a collaboration between the Forres Heritage Trust who care for the monument, Forres Events Limited who donated the binoculars, LDN Architects and AJ Engineering who designed and fabricated the platform.
Highland Galvanisers, galvanised and powder coated the platform.
The platform will enable people to get an even better view over the parapets of the tower which was built as a memorial to Admiral Lord Nelson and was opened to the public in 1812.
Graham Alexander, general manager of AJ Engineering who oversaw the installation said he was pleased with how the project has gone.
He said: “We could not have asked for better conditions when the platform was installed. It involved lifting into place the steel and glass reinforced plastic platform which was fabricated by our Forres team.
“We are delighted to be involved in a project on a structure which is so iconic and important to the town’s history. It’s also great that our company has been able to work with the Forres Heritage Trust who do such good work in maintaining the tower and ensure that it has a team volunteers who work tireless through the season to open the tower to the public. The platform will allow people to have a full 360 degree uninterrupted view and also enable children to see over the parapets without having to be lifted up. Even if people have visited many time in the past this platform will make a visit to the tower an even better experience.”
The Tower is open to the public from the start of April until the end of September. Entry is by donation.